19 October 2021

Metalmeccanica Alba: applying a new mentality

New spaces, new goals, a new way of thinking. Metalmeccanica Alba presents the new automated warehouse, created in partnership with Automha. An investment aimed at enhancing efficiency, with the goal of freeing up space for new product lines by improving logistics management.

Il Giornale della Logistica – Italy’s leading logistics magazine – has a dedicated article exploring this specific step on the road to process automation taken by Metalmeccanica Alba: “This investment has resulted in increased space, increased levels of service and time savings. These were the aims of the logistics reorganisation conducted by Metalmeccanica Alba.”

Franco Ceccato, founding partner of Metalmeccanica Alba states: “This is how the idea to create a new warehouse came about, with the aim of efficiently absorbing ever-increasing stock volumes. We therefore wanted to create a main logistics hub capable of managing the lion’s share of the goods we work with: components, semi-finished and finished products for furniture.”

The project saw the involvement of a major specialist partner, namely, Automha:
"Metalmeccanica Alba found in Automha the ideal partner to manage the design and implementation of a complete solution for automated warehousing – a system that is ideally suited for our own very specific logistics needs."




Height: 18.5 m
Total pallet positions: 2,280
Codes Managed: 1,500
Length 58.7 m
Depth 15.93 m
Below-floor depth: 6.1 m


The commissioning of this warehouse has led to optimisations in both internal and external logistics processes.

Daniele Gasparotto, founding partner of Metalmeccanica Alba explained to Il Giornale della Logistica: “The new warehouse has allowed us to optimise the use of space, eliminate human errors, arrange shipments in a few minutes, as well as improve productivity.”

To know more about

Read the full article